Real Options: Others Classical Papers

The following papers selection, complements the "Real Options Classical Papers" list and also contributed with important insights into real options approach. The papers in this page are in chronological order.
OBS: The links are not going to the comments yet (the addition of comments is a planned future improvement).

Myers, S.C. (1977): Determinants of Corporate Borrowing
Journal of Financial Economics, no 5, November 1977, pp.147-175

Tourinho, O.A.F. (1979): The Valuation of Reserves of Natural Resources: An Option Pricing Approach
University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D. Dissertation, November 1979

Baldwin, C.Y. (1982): Optimal Sequential Investment when Capital Is Not Readily Reversible
Journal of Finance, vol.37, no 3, June 1982, pp.763-782

Mason, S.P. & R.C. Merton (1985): The Role of Contingent Claims Analysis in Corporate Finance
Recents Advances in Corporate Finance, eds: E. Altman & M. Subrahmanyam.
Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, pp.7-54

Titman, S. (1985): Urban Land Prices Under Uncertainty
American Economic Review, June 1985, pp.505-514

Trigeorgis, L. & S.P. Mason (1987): Valuing Managerial Flexibility
Midland Corporate Finance Journal, Spring 1987, pp.14-21

Fisher, A.C. & W.M. Hanemann (1987): Quasi-Option Value: Some Misconceptions Dispelled
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol.14, June 1987, pp.183-190

Ritchken, P. & G. Rabinowitz (1988):
Capital Budgeting Using Contingent Claims Analysis: A Tutorial
Advances in Futures and Options Research, vol.3, 1988, pp.119-143

Carr, P. (1988): The Valuation of Sequential Exchange Opportunities
Journal of Finance, vol.43, December 1988, pp.1235-1256

Myers, S.C. & S. Majd (1990): Abandonment Value and Project Life
Advances in Futures and Options Research, vol.4, 1990, pp.1-21

MacKie-Mason, J.K. (1990):
Some Nonlinear Tax Effects on Asset Values and Investment Decisions under Uncertainty
Journal of Public Economics, vol.42, 1990, pp.301-327

Lund, D. (1991): Financial and Non-Financial Option Valuation
Stochastic Models and Options Values, eds. D.Lund and B. Øksendal,
New York: North-Holland pp. 143-163

Dixit, A.K. (1992): Investment and Hysteresis
Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol.6, no 1, Winter 1992, pp.107-132

Baldwin, C.Y. & K. Clark (1992):
Capabilities and Capital Investment: New Perspectives on Capital Budgeting
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Summer 1992, pp.67-87

Teisberg, E.O. (1993): Capital Investment Strategies under Uncertain Regulation
Rand Journal of Economics, vol.24, no 4, Winter 1993, pp.591-604

Kasanen, E. & L. Trigeorgis (1993):
Flexibility, Synergy, and Control in Strategic Investment Planning
Capital Budgeting under Uncertainty, pp.208-231
R. Aggarwal ed., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1993

Kogut, B. & N. Kulatilaka (1994):
Options Thinking and Platform Investments: Investing in Opportunity
California Management Review, Winter 1994, pp.52-71

Hiraki, T. (1995):
Corporate Governance, Long-term Investment Orientation, and Real Options in Japan
Real Options in Capital Investments: Models, Strategies, and Aplications
Ed. by L. Trigeorgis, Praeger Publisher, Westport, Conn., 1995, pp.151-162

Laughton , D.G. & H.D. Jacoby (1995):
The Effects of Reversion on Commodity Projects of Different Length
Real Options in Capital Investments: Models, Strategies, and Aplications
Ed. by L. Trigeorgis, Praeger Publisher, Westport, Conn., 1995, pp.185-205

Sick, G. (1995): Real Options
Paper presented at INFORMS International Singapore, June 25-28, 1995, 70 pp.

Dixit, A.K. & R.S. Pindyck (1995): The Options Approach to Capital Investment
Harvard Business Review, May-June 1995, pp.105-115

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Tourinho, O.A.F. (1979):
The Valuation of Reserves of Natural Resources: An Option Pricing Approach
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Mason, S.P. & R.C. Merton (1985): The Role of Contingent Claims Analysis in Corporate Finance
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