Option Games Bibliographical List

This bibliographycal list includes papers, books and dissertations mainly about option-games - the combination of options pricing theory with game theoretic concepts. There are few references that even not being option games, are important references for the option games literature - e.g., Fudenberg & Tirole, 1985, on preemption games; and Leahy, 1993, on the optimality of myopic behavior.

Papers not included in this list can be included in the next updates. I'll be grateful to the readers who let me aware of option-games papers not included here. My e-mail is: marcoagd@pobox.com

Bibliographical List

Andersen, T.M. & M.S. Christensen (2002): "Contract Renewal under Uncertainty"
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, vol.26, 2002, pp.637-652

Anderson, R.W. & C. Tu (1998): "Numerical Analysis of Strategic Contingent Claims"
Computational Economics, 1998, vol.11, pp.3-19

Baba, N. (2000): "Uncertainty, Monitoring Costs, and Private Banks' Lending Decisions in a Duopolistic Loan Markets: A Game-Theoretic Real Options Approach"
Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, Discussion Papers Series 2000-E-20, August 2000, 34 pp.

Baldursson, F.M. (1998): "Irreversible Investment under Uncertainty in Oligopoly"
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, vol.22, 1998, pp.627-644

Baldursson, F.M. & I. Karatzas (1997): "Irreversible Investment and Industry Equilibrium"
Finance and Stochastics, vol.1, 1997, pp.69-89

Baldwin, C.Y. & K. Clark (2002): "Institutional Forms, Part 1: The Technology of Design and Its Problems"
Working Paper, Harvard Business School, March 2002, 28 pp.

Balmann, A. & O. Mubhoff (2002): "Real Options and Competition: The Impact of Depreciation and Reinvestment"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Cyprus, July 2002, 25 pp.

Bjerksund, P. & Stensland (2000): "A Self-Enforced Dynamic Contract for Processing of Natural Resources"
in Brennan, M.J. & L. Trigeorgis, Eds., Project Flexibility, Agency, and Competition – New Developments in the Theory and Applications of Real Options, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp.109-127

Botteron, P. & M. Chesney & R. Gibson-Asner (1999): "An Application of Exotic Options to Firms' Strategic Delocatization Policies under Exchange Rate Risk"
Paper presented at the to the 3rd Annual International Conference on Real Options, June 1999, Netherlands, 31 pp.

Browne, S. (1998): "Stochastic Differential Portfolio Games"
Working Paper, Columbia University, June 1998, 27 pp.

Caplin, A. & J. Leahy (1998): "Miracle on Sixth Avenue: Information Externalities and Search"
Economic Journal, vol.108, January 1998, pp.60-74

Caplin, A. & J. Leahy (1994): "Business as Usual, Market Crashes, and Wisdom After the Fact"
American Economic Review, vol.84, no 3, June 1994, pp.548-565

Chamley, C. & D. Gale (1994): "Information Revelation and Strategic Delay in a Model of Investment"
Econometrica, vol. 62, no 5 - September, 1994, pp.1065-1085

Chan-Lau, J.A. & P.B. Clark (1998): "Fixed Investment and Capital Flows: A Real Options Approach"
IMF Working Paper WP/98/125, August 1998, 28 pp.

Cottrell, T. & G. Sick (2002): "Real Options and Follower Strategies: The Loss of Real Options Value to First-Mover Advantage"
Engineering Economist, vol.47, no 3, 2002, pp. 232-263

Cottrell, T. & G. Sick (2001): "First-Mover (Dis)Advantage and Real Options"
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, vol.14, no 2, Summer 2001, pp.41-51

Courtney, H. & J. Kirkland & P. Viguerie (1997): "Strategy under Uncertainty"
Harvard Business Review, November-December 1997, pp.66-79

Décamps, J-P. & T. Mariotti (1999): "Irreversible Investment with Leaning Externalities"
Paper presented at the to the 3rd Annual International Conference on Real Options, June 1999, Netherlands, 31 pp.

Dias, M.A.G. (1997): "The Timing of Investment in E&P: Uncertainty, Irreversibility, Learning, and Strategic Consideration"
SPE paper no 37949, presented at 1997 SPE Hydrocarbon Economics and Evaluation Symposium, Dallas 16-18 March 1997, Proceedings pp.135-148

Dias, M.A.G. & J.P. Teixeira (2003): "Continuous-Time Option Games: Review of Models and Extensions - Part 1: Duopoly under Uncertainty"
Working Paper, Dept. Industrial Eng., March 2003, 38 pp.

Doraszelski, U. (2001): "The Net Present Value Method versus the Option Value of Waiting: A Note on Farzin, Huisman and Kort (1998)"
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, vol.25, 2001, pp.1109-1115

Duffie, D. & J. Geanakoplos & A. Mas-Colell & A. McLennan (1994): "Stationary Markov Equilibria"
Econometrica, vol. 62, no 4, July 1994, pp.745-781

Dutta, P.K. & A. Rustichini (1995): "(s, S) Equilibria in Stochastic Games"
Journal of Economic Theory, vol.67, 1995, pp.1-39

Dutta, P.K. & A. Rustichini (1993): "A Theory of Stopping Time Games with Applications to Product Innovation and Asset Sales"
Economic Theory, vol.3, 1993, pp.743-763

Farzin, Y.H. & K.L.M. Huisman & P.M. Kort (1998): "Optimal Timing of Technology Adoption"
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol.22, 1998, pgs.779-799

Fudenberg, D. & J. Tirole (1985): "Pre-emption and Rent Equalisation in the Adoption of New Technology"
Review of Economic Studies, vol.52, 1985, pp.383-401

Gomes, L.L. (2002): "Avaliação de Termelétricas no Brasil Estudando o Melhor Momento de Investimento por Modelos de Opções Reais" ("Thermoelectric Evaluation in Brazil Studying the Best Investment Timing by Real Options Models")
Doctoral Dissertation, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, PUC-Rio, April 2002, 105 pp. (option-games: chapter 4)

Grenadier, S.R. (2003): "An Equilibrium Analysis of Real Estate Leases"
NBER Working Paper 9475, January 2003, 40 pp.

Grenadier, S.R. (2002): "Option Exercise Games: An Application to the Equilibrium Investment Strategies of Firms"
Review of Financial Studies, vol.15, Summer 2002, pp.691-721 (slightly updated version of the Working Paper, Stanford University, November 2000)

Grenadier, S.R. (2000a): "Option Exercise Games: The Intersection of Real Options and Game Theory"
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, vol.13, no 2, Summer 2000, pp.99-107

Grenadier, S.R., Eds. (2000b): "Game Choices – The Intersection of Real Options and Game Theory"
Risk Books, 2000, 395 pp.

Grenadier, S.R. (2000c): "Equilibrium with Time-to-Build: A Real Options Approach"
in Brennan & Trigeorgis, Eds., Project Flexibility, Agency, and Competition, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp.275-296

Grenadier, S.R. (1999): "Information Revelation Through Option Exercise"
The Review of Financial Studies, Spring 1999, vol.12, no 1, pp.95-129

Grenadier, S.R. (1996): "Strategic Exercise of Options: Development Cascades and Overbuilding in Real Estate Markets"
Journal of Finance, vol.51, no 5, December 1996, pp.1653-1679

Harris, C. & J. Vickers (1995): "Innovation and Natural Resources: a Dynamic Game with Uncertainty"
Rand Journal of Economics, vol.26, no 3, Autumn 1995, pp.418-430

Holden, C.W. & A. Subrahmanyam (1992): "Long-Lived Private Information and Imperfect Competition"
Journal of Finance, vol.47, no 1, March 1992, pp.247-270

Hoppe, H.C. (2001): "The Timing of New Technology Adoption: Theoretical Models and Empirical Evidence"
Working Paper, Universität Hamburg, April 23, 2001, 23 pp.

Hoppe, H.C. (2000): "Second-Mover Advantages in the Strategic Adoption of New Technology under Uncertainty"
International Journal of Industrial Organization, no 18, 2000, pp.315-338

Hoppe, H.C. & U. Lehmann-Grube (2001): "Second-Mover Advantages in Dynamic Quality Competition"
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, vol.10 no 3, Fall 2001, pp.419-433

Huisman, K.J.M. (2001): "Technology Investment: A Game Theoretic Real Options Approach"
Kluwer Academic Pub., Boston (MA, USA), 2001, 259 pp.

Huisman, K. J. M. & P. M. Kort (2000): "Strategic Technology Adoption Taking Into Account Future Technological Improvements: A Real Options Approach"
Working Paper, Cnter of Economic Research no 2000-52, Tilburg University, May 2000, 41 pp.

Huisman, K. J. M. & P. M. Kort (1999): "Effects of Strategic Interactions on the Option Value of Waiting"
Working Paper, Tilburg University, September 1999, 41 pgs.

Huisman, K. J. M. & P. M. Kort (1998): "Strategic Investment in Technological Innovations"
Working Paper, Tilburg University, October 1998, 31 pp.

Jankensgård, H. (2001): "The Option to Defer - Modeling the Opportunity Cost under Competition"
Bachelor's Thesis from the Dalarna University (Sweden), 2001, 57 pp.

Joaquin, D.C. & K.C. Butler (2000): "Competitive Investment Decisions: A Synthesis"
in Brennan, M.J. & L. Trigeorgis, Eds., Project Flexibility, Agency, and Competition - New Developments in the Theory and Applications of Real Options, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp.324-339

Kester, W.C. (1984): "Today’s Options for Tomorrow’s Growth"
Harvard Business Review, no 62, March-April 1984, pp.153-160

Kogan, L. (2001): "An Equilibrium Model of Irreversible Investment"
Journal of Financial Economics, vol.62, November 2001, pp.201-245

Kreps, D.M. & J.A. Scheinkman (1983): "Quantity Precommitment and Bertrand Competition Yield Cournot Outcomes"
Bell Journal of Economics, vol.14, 1983, pp.326-338

Kulatilaka, N. & E.C. Perotti (1998): "Time-to-Market Capability as a Stackelberg Growth Option"
Working Paper, Boston University and University of Amsterdam, December 1998, 17 pp.

Kulatilaka, N. & E.C. Perotti (1997): "Strategic Growth Options"
Management Science, vol.44, no 8, August 1998, pp.1021-1031; and Working Paper, Boston University and University of Amsterdam, July 1997, 24 pp.

Kyle, A.S. (1985): "Continuous Auctions and Insider Trading"
Econometrica, vol.53, no 6, November 1985, pp.1315-1335

Lambrecht, B.M. (2001): "The Timing and Terms of Mergers, Stock Offers and Cash Offers"
Working Paper, University of Cambridge, February 2001, 51 pp.

Lambrecht, B. (1998): "The Impact of Debt Financing on Entry and Exit in a Duopoly"
Working Paper, Cambridge University, September 1998 (earlier version presented at the 2nd Annual Real Options Conference at Northwestern University, June 1998), 43 pp.

Lambrecht, B. (1996): "Strategic Sequential Investments and Sleeping Patents"
Working Paper, Cambridge University, December 1996, 33 pp.

Lambrecht, B. & W. Perraudin, (1999): "Real Options and Preemption Under Incomplete Information"
Paper presented at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Real Options, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, June 1999, version of December 1998, 41 pp.

Lambrecht, B. & W. Perraudin (1996): "Real Option and Preemption"
Working Paper, Cambridge University and Birkbeck College (London) and CEPR, 35pp.

Lambrecht, B. & W. Perraudin (1994): "Option Games"
Working Paper, Cambridge University and CEPR (UK), August 1994, 17 pp.

Leahy, J.V. (1993): "Investment in Competitive Equilibrium: The Optimality of Myopic Behavior"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1993, pp.1105-1133

Lee, T. (2000): "The Determinants of Owenership Structure of International Joint Ventures – A Real Options Approach"
Working Paper, Takming Junior College of Commerce, Taiwan, 2000, 21 pp.

Lieberman, M.B. & D.B. Montgomery (1988): "First Mover Advantages"
Strategic Management Journal, vol.9, 1988, pp.41-58

Lukack, R. & P. Kort & Plasmans, J. (2002): "Strategic Dynamic R&D Investments"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 13 pp.

Maeland, J. (2002): "Asymmetric Information and Irreversible Investments: Competing Agents"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 23 pp.

Maeland, J. (2001): "Valuation of an Irreversible Investment Involving Agents with Private Information about Stochastic Costs"
Working Paper, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, April 2001, 5th Annual International Conference on Real Options, UCLA, July 2001, 30 pp.

Maeland, J. (1999): "Valuation of Irreversible Investment and Agency Problems"
Paper presented at the to the 3rd Annual International Conference on Real Options, June 1999, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 23 pp.

Martzoukos, S.H. & E. Zacharias (2002): "Real Option Games with Incomplete Information and Spillovers"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 50 pp.

Maskin, E. & J. Tirole (2001): "Markov perfect Equilibrium – I. Observable Actions"
Journal of Economic Theory, vol.100, 2001, pp. 191-219

Mason, R. & H. Weeds (2000): "Networks, Options and Preemption"
Paper presented at the 4th Annual International Conference on Real Options, July 2000, University of Cambridge, 41 pp.

Mauer, D.C. & S.H. Ott (2000): "Agency Costs, Underinvestment, and Optimal Capital Structure – The Effect of Growth Options to Expand"
in Brennan, M.J. & L. Trigeorgis, Eds., Project Flexibility, Agency, and Competition – New Developments in the Theory and Applications of Real Options, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp.151-179

Milgrom, P.R. & R.J. Weber (1985): "Distributional Strategies for Games with Incomplete Information"
Mathematics of Operations Research, vol.10, no 4, November 1985, pp.619-632

Miltersen, K.R. & E.S. Schwartz (2002): "R&D Investments with Competitive Interactions"
Working Paper no 11-02, UCLA, September 2002, 35 pp.

Moretto M. (2000): &Irreversible Investment with Uncertainty and Strategic Behavior&
Economic Modelling, vol. 17, 2000, pp.589-617

Moretto, M. & S. Pastorello (1995): "Entry-Exit Timing and Profit Sharing"
Working Paper, Università di Padova & Università di Bologna, Italy, September 1995

Moretto, M. & G. Rossini (1997): "Profit Sharing Regulation and Repeated Bargaining with Shut-Down Option"
Economic Design, vol.2, no 4, 1997, pp.339-368

Moretto, M. & G. Rossini (1995): "The Shut Down Option and Profit Sharing"
Journal of Comparative Economics, vol.21, 1995, pp.154-186

Murto, P. (2002): "Exit in Duopoly under Uncertainty"
Working Paper, Helsinki University of Technology, August 2002, 42 pp.

Murto, P. & E. Näsäkkälä & J. Keppo (2002): "Timing of Investments in Oligopoly under Uncertainty: A Framework for Numerical Analysis"
Working Paper, Helsinki University of Technology & University of Michigan, 2002, 30 pp.

Nordal, K.B. (1997): "Investment and Taxation – A Bargaining Approach to the Oil Industry"
Paper presented in Copenhagen Symposium on Real Options, September 1997, 28 pp.

Novy-Marx, R. (2003): "An Equilibrium Model of Investment under Uncertainty"
Working Paper, University of California at Berkeley, February 2003, 56 pp.

Østbye, S. (1998): "Real Options, Wage Bargaining, Factor Subsidies and Employment"
Applied Economics, vol.30, 1998, pp. 335-344

Paris, F.M. (2001): "A Compound Option Model to Value Moral Hazard"
Journal of Derivatives, Fall 2001, pp. 53-61

Pawlina, G. & P.M. Kort (2002a): "The Strategic Value of Flexible Quality Choice: a Real Options Analysis"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 35 pp.

Pawlina, G. & P.M. Kort (2002b): "The Strategic Capital Budgeting: Asset Replacement under Market Uncertainty"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 31 pp.

Pawlina, G. & P.M. Kort (2001): "Real Options in an Asymmetric Duopoly: Who Benefits from Your Competitive Disadvantage?"
Working Paper, Tilburg University, June 2001, 32 pp.

Paxson, D. & Helena Pinto (2002): "Timing Advantage: Leader/ Follower Value Functions If the Market Share Follows a Birth and Death Process"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 28 pp.

Perotti, E. & S. Rossetto (2000): "Internet Portals as Portfolio of Entry Options"
Working Paper, Tinbergen Institute, TI2000-105/2, November 2000, 42 pp.

Ritter, J.A. & J.G. Haubrich (1995): "Commitment as Investment under Uncertainty"
Working Paper, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 1995, 37 pp.

Shackleton, M. & A. Tsekrekos & R. Wojakowski (2002): "Strategic Entry and Market Leadership in a Two–Player Real Options Game"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 33 pp.

Singh, N. (1997): "Nash Bargaining with the Option to Wait"
Economic Letters, vol.55, no 1, April 1997, pp.69-73

Smets, F.R. (1993): "Essays on Foreign Direct Investment"
Doctoral Dissertation, Yale University, 1993, 219 pp.

Smit, H.T.J. (2001): "Acquisition Strategies as Option Games"
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, vol.14, no 2, Summer 2001, pp.79-89

Smit, H.T.J. (1996): "Growth Options and Strategy Analysis"
Doctoral Dissertation, Dept. of Finance, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1996, 211 pp.

Smit , H.T.J. & L.A. Ankum (1993): "A Real Options and Game-Theoretic Approach to Corporate Investment Strategy under Competition"
Financial Management, Autumn 1993, pp.241-250

Smit, H.T.J. & L. Trigeorgis (2003): "Strategy: Options and Games"
Princeton University Press, 2003 (Forthcoming)

Smit, H.T.J. & L. Trigeorgis (1997): "Flexibility and Competitive R&D Strategies"
Working Paper, Erasmus University and Columbia University, 1997, 47 pp.

Smit, H.T.J. & L. Trigeorgis (1996): "Flexibility and Commitment in Strategic Investment"
Working Paper, Erasmus University and Columbia University, 1996, 45 pp.

Sorger, G. (1996): "Markov-Perfect Nash Equilibria in a Class of Resource Games"
CIRANO Working Paper 96s-15, April 1996, 26 pp.

Tellis, G.J. & P.N. Golder (2002): "Will and Vision – How Latecomers Grow to Dominate Markets"
McGraw-Hill, 2002, 340 pp.

Thakor, A.V. (1991): "Game Theory in Finance"
Financial Management, Spring 1991, pp.71-94

Thijssen, J.J.J. & K.J.M. Huisman & P.M. Kort (2003): "Symmetric Equilibria in Game Theoretic Real Option Models"
Discussion Paper, Tilburg University, February 2003, 30 pp.

Thijssen, J.J.J. & K.J.M. Huisman & P.M. Kort (2002): "Strategic Investment under Uncertainty and Information Spillovers"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 33 pp.

Thijssen, J.J.J. & E.E.C. van Damme & K.J.M. Huisman & P.M. Kort (2001): "Investment under Vanishing Uncertainty Due to Information Arriving over Time"
Discussion Paper, Tilburg University, February 2001, 22 pp.

Trigeorgis, L. (1992): "Valuing the Impact of Uncertain Competitive Arrivals on Deferrable Real Investment Opportunities"
Working Paper, Columbia University, 1992, 31 pp.

Trigeorgis, L. (1991): "Anticipated Competitive Entry and Early Preemptive Investment in Deferrable Projects"
Journal of Economics and Business, vol.43, no 2, May 1991, pp.143-156

Trigeorgis, L.G. (1986): "Valuing Real Investment Opportunities: An Options Approach to Strategic Capital Budgeting"
Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, 1986, 314 pp.

Tvedt, J. (1999): "Crude Oil Dynamics: A Leader-Follower Game Between the OPEC Cartel and Non-OPEC Producers"
Paper presented at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Real Options, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 13 pp.

Vedenov, D.V. & M.J. Miranda (2001): "Numerical Solution of Dynamic Oligopoly Games with Capital Investment"
Economic Theory, vol.18, 2001, pp.237-261

Weeds, H. (2002a): "Strategic Delay in a Real Options Model of R&D Competition"
Review of Economic Studies, vol.69, 2002, pp.729-747. Previous version presented at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Real Options, 1999, Wassenaar, Netherlands, 30 pp.

Weeds, H. (2002b): "Real Options and Game Theory: When Should Real Options Valuation Be Applied?"
Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Coral Beach, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2002, 17 pp.

Williams, J.T. (1995): "Pricing Real Assets with Costly Search"
Review of Financial Studies, Spring 1995, vol.8, no 1, pp.55-90

Williams, J.T. (1993): "Equilibrium and Options on Real Assets"
Review of Financial Studies, vol.6, no 4, Winter 1993, pp.825-850

Ziegler, A. (1999): "A Game Theory Analysis of Options – Contributions to the Theory of Financial Intermediation in Continuous Time"
Springer-Verlag, 1999, 145 pp.

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