Financial, Economic, and
Others Selected Links

Last update: January 2004 (checked out ~50% of the links in 2003 and several links were added in January 2004).


Part I: Financial and Economic Links

1) General Financial and Economics Resources, including links collections.

2) Finance and Economic Journals

3) Universities, Working Papers Archives and Learning Materials.

4) Derivatives (financial)

5) Risk Management (including VaR), Financial Consulting and Softwares

Part II: Petroleum, Search and Others Links

6) Petroleum Links

7) Search (in WWW and/or Usenet)

8) Books: Bookstores, Publishers, Libraries

9) Mathematical and Operational Research Websites.

10) Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Links. NEW!

11) Others: PUC-RJ; Usenet FAQs; Landell de Moura; Software Companies

Part I: Financial and Economic Links

1) General Financial/Economics Resources, Including Links Collections.

2) Finance and Economics Journals

3) Universities, working papers archives, and learning materials.

4) Derivatives (financial)

5) Risk Management (including VaR), Financial Consulting and Softwares

Part II: Petroleum, Search and Others Links

6) Petroleum Links

7) Search

8) Books: Bookstores, Publishers, Libraries

9) Mathematical and Operational Research Websites

10) Monte Carlo (MC) and Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) Links.

11) Others: PUC-RJ; Usenet FAQs; Landell de Moura; Software Companies

Unfortunately for the links collections, some websites change the address (URLs) of several pages too frequently and without previous notice. In addition, webpages remain with high rate of birth and death in the cyberspace. I'm trying to keep these links updated, but it is not an easy task, there are too much links to check out.
I apologize for any link that doesn't work well. Several problems are temporary (server in maintenance or something like that), so try other day if this happen with any link.
If you find out a link that really doesn't work, I'll be grateful if you let me know.

Disclaimer: the usual disclaimer applies.

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