List of Excel Spreadsheets Available To Download

In this section I list all the Excel spreadsheets available to download at this website, with a short description.
In addition, I put some basic information about each spreadsheet such as: freeware or shareware; if shareware, if it has any limitation in relation to the registered version or not; VBA (Visual Basic for Application) code or not; in case of VBA code, if password protect or not; and location of the main and secondary webpages related to each spreadsheet.

All files can be directly downloaded from here, but the reader is advised to see the reference page in order to know the context where each spreadsheet is inserted, additional important informations, model strength and limitations, and so on.

The shareware files can be used for educational purposes during a 30 days period. After this, the reader is invited to register, although there is no mechanism of automatic disability after this period. I rely in the readers' honesty in many cases, but in some cases I put some minor limitations for non-registered version, in order to create an additional incentive for the software registration. In case of any spreadsheet limitation, the list below describes the kind of limitation.

OBS: French Excel users, click here for additional relevant information.


QMC_Black_Scholes.xls or

random_x_quasi-random.xls or

quasi-random-mult_dim.xls or

hyb_qr_generator.xls or




duopoly-ext_joaquin_buttler-non-reg.xls or


timing-e-97-vba-hqr.xls or

timing-business_model-vba-hqr.xls or

timing-rcf_model-vba-hqr.xls or

timing_inv_inf-hqr.xls or


simulation_reversion-model1.xls . . . NEW!


The spreadsheets without password run without problems even in French Excel, because they don't need cryptography.
For the files with password protection, the French version of Excel doesn't work due to the differences between the cryptographic systems used in USA (and other countries) and in France. This differentiation has advantages and disadvantages, but here has disadvantages. So, I recommend an English or Spanish or Portuguese or any other Excel version that adopted the US cryptography.
However, when visiting Paris in January 2002, I saved three files (with password) using a French version of Excel. These files, even with password, run in French Excel without any problem. These three files were packed in a single compressed file (.zip) and it is downloadable directly with the link below:

Download the file with 436 Kb containing three spreadsheets (timing_inv_inf-hqr.xls; timing-e-97-vba-hqr.xls; and hyb_qr_generator.xls) for French users.
For the other files with password, unfortunately I have only the ones with the US cryptographic system version.

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