List of Excel Spreadsheets Available To Download
In this section I list all the Excel spreadsheets available to download
at this website, with a short description.
In addition, I put some basic information about each spreadsheet such as:
freeware or shareware; if shareware, if it has any limitation
in relation to the registered version or not; VBA (Visual Basic for
Application) code or not; in case of VBA code, if password protect or
not; and location of the main and secondary webpages related
to each spreadsheet.
All files can be directly downloaded from here, but the reader is
advised to see the reference page in order to know the context where each
spreadsheet is inserted, additional important informations, model strength
and limitations, and so on.
The shareware files can be used for educational purposes during a 30
days period. After this, the reader is invited to register, although there
is no mechanism of automatic disability after this period. I rely in the
readers' honesty in many cases, but in some cases I put some minor
limitations for non-registered version, in order to create an additional
incentive for the software registration. In case of any spreadsheet limitation, the list below describes the kind of limitation.
OBS: French Excel users, click here for additional relevant information.
- Download: Click here to download
qmc_black_scholes.xls, file with 95
or click here to download,
file with 32 KB.
- Short Description: Calculate European Call Option using Monte
Carlo simulation in order to compare with the very known closed-form
formula of Black-Scholes-Merton. Presents three different Monte Carlo
simulation: (a) Using quasi-random numbers and Moro's inversion to get
the standard Normal distribution; (b) Using pseudo random numbers from
Excel with the Excel's build in function for the Normal inversion; and
(c) pseudo random numbers from Excel but using the superior Moro's
inversion to get the standard Normal distribution.
- Main related webpage: Quasi-Monte
Carlo Simulation - 1) Introduction and Motivation
- Software type: Freeware for educational purposes.
- VBA code: Yes, but is freely available (no password
- Limitation compared with the registered version: Not
applicable. No limitation.
- Download: Click here to download
random_x_quasi-random.xls, file
with 805 KB.
or click here to download,
file with 199 KB.
- Short Description: Excel spreadsheet with VBA functions and
charts for the Halton sequences in two dimensions. It shows that
quasi-random (Halton) numbers are much more evenly distributed than
pseudo-random numbers (Excel function RAND()) for the dimension 1 x 2.
- Main related webpage: Quasi-Monte
Carlo Simulation - 5) Halton, Faure, and Sobol Sequences
- Software type: Freeware for educational purposes.
- VBA code: Yes, but is freely available (no password
- Limitation compared with the registered version: Not
applicable. No limitation.
- Download: Click here to download
quasi-random-mult_dim.xls, file
with 1849 KB.
or click here to download,
file with 746 KB.
- Short Description: Excel spreadsheet with VBA functions and
charts for the Halton sequences. The charts illustrates the problem of
correlation for higher dimensions that suffers the Halton and others
(non-hybrid) quasi-random sequences.
- Main related webpage: Quasi-Monte
Carlo Simulation - 5) Halton, Faure, and Sobol Sequences
- Software type: Freeware for educational purposes.
- VBA code: Yes, but is freely available (no password
- Limitation compared with the registered version: Not
applicable. No limitation.
- Download: Click here to download
hyb_qr_generator.xls, file with 1054
or click here to download,
file with 286 KB.
- Short Description: This Hybrid Quasi-Random Generator
file generates quasi-random sample paths using the van der Corput Base 2
sequence. The first vector of numbers are non-hybrid and the remaining
columns are hybrid vectors (random permutations in the basic vector).
Presents 4 charts, showing the dimensions 1 x 2, 20 x 21, 49 x 50, and
25 x 50, in order to show that hybridization breaks the problem of
correlation for high-dimensional cases using quasi-random numbers.
- Main related webpage: Quasi-Monte
Carlo Simulation Continuation - 6) A Simple Hybrid Quasi-Monte Carlo
- Software type: Freeware for educational purposes.
- VBA code: Yes, password protected. However, the equations and
methodology are shown in the related webpage.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: Not
applicable. No registered version available.
- Download: Click here to download
file with 372 KB.
- Short Description: This spreadsheet simulate the
mean-reversion stochastic process, "Model 1", using
three different discretization methods in order to illustrate the exact
discretization method presented in the webpage is the most accurate one.
It calculates the simulation error for the calculus of mean and variance
of this stochastic process for the three discretization methods, in
order to make the comparison.
The spreadsheet also plots the histogram chart (the
theoretical is a log-normal distribution) for the simulated values of
the mean-reverting commodity price at a specified time T and for the
other specified parameters set by the user.
- Main related webpage: Monte
Carlo Simulation of Stochastic Processes. See the item "Monte
Carlo Simulation of Mean Reversion (Model 1)" and specially the "Complement:
Discretization Accuracy of the Mean-Reversion Stochastic Process".
- Software type: Freeware for educational purposes.
- VBA code: Yes. Password protected. However, the equations and
methodology are shown in the related webpage.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: Not
applicable. Doesn't exist registered version yet.
Forthcoming: a software pack for simulations of many stochastic
processes, including histograms, percentis, etc.
- Download: Click here to download
file with 235 KB.
- Short Description: Excel spreadsheet shows the real and
risk-neutral sample-paths from a simulation of the mean-reversion with
jumps, named Marlim model - Marlim is the Brazilian top producer
oilfield, and this model was first used in a Marlim project (1998). By
pressing F9, you get new sample paths in the chart presented in this
spreadsheet. The user can change freely any input (input sheet
is not hidden), but the sheet with the simulation calculus details is
hidden and password protected. However, the equations and methodology
are shown in the related webpage.
- Main related webpage: Monte
Carlo Simulation of Stochastic Processes. See the item "Monte
Carlo Simulation of Mean Reversion with Jumps".
- Software type: Freeware for educational purposes.
- VBA code: Yes. Password protected.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: Not
applicable. Doesn't exist registered version yet.
Forthcoming: a software pack for simulations of many stochastic
processes, including histograms, percentis, etc.
- Download: Click here to download
file with 789 KB.
- Short Description: Excel spreadsheet for the model of Symmetrical
Duopoly under Uncertainty. Based in the paper of Huisman &
Kort (1999), calculate preemption equilibrium, values and thresholds for
the leader, follower, simultaneous option exercise, non-binding
collusion, mixed strategies including the probability of "mistake",
it checks all the paper propositions, and presents many charts.
- Main related webpage: Symmetrical
Duopoly under Uncertainty - The Huisman & Kort Model.
- Software type: Shareware. It is a component of the
Option-Games Suite.
- VBA code: No.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: There are
two limitations. First, some inputs are fixed in the non-registered
version (but it is possible to analyze all cases presented in the paper
example). Second, one sheet with calculation details is hidden and
password protected (registered version has no limitation or protection).
- Download: Click here to download
file with 1508 KB.
or click here to download,
file with 889 KB.
- Short Description: Excel spreadsheet for the model of Asymmetrical
Duopoly under Uncertainty. Extending the model from the paper of
Joaquin & Buttler (2000), calculate preemption equilibrium, values
and thresholds for the leader, follower, simultaneous option exercise,
mixed strategies theorem for asymmetrical duopoly, including the
probability of "mistake", and presents many charts (most not
presented in the original paper).
- Main related webpage: Asymmetrical
Duopoly under Uncertainty - The Extended Joaquin & Buttler Model.
- Software type: Shareware. It is a component of the
Option-Games Suite.
- VBA code: No.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: There are
two limitations. First, some inputs are fixed in the non-registered
version (but it is possible to analyze all cases presented in the paper
example). Second, one sheet with calculation details is hidden and
password protected (registered version has no limitation or protection).
- Download: Click here to download
file with 291 KB.
- Short Description: Excel spreadsheet to simulate the model of
Oligopoly under Uncertainty. Based in the paper of
Grenadier (2000/2002). This file presents 4 charts, with sample-paths
from the uncertain demand - by pressing F9 the reader can see another
sample-path and its consequences in terms of option exercise, prices,
etc. The four charts are: (a) Demand Sample-Path & Strategic
Exercise of Options in 10-Firms Oligopoly; (b) 10-Firms Oligopoly Output
and Thresholds Comparison with Monopoly and Duopoly; (c) Industry Total
Output under Monopoly, Duopoly, and 10-Firms Oligopoly; and (d) Price,
Demand Sample-Path & Industry in 10-Firms Oligopoly Option-Games.
- Main related webpage: Oligopoly
under Uncertainty - The Grenadier Model.
- Software type: Shareware. It is a component of the
Option-Games Suite.
- VBA code: Yes, but is freely available (no password
protection). However, the only VBA code is the Moro's inversion to get
the Standard Normal random numbers.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: The page
with the inputs and calculation details is hidden and password
protected. So, the input parameters are fixed (the same used in
Grenadier's paper) in this non-registered version. Registered version
has no limitation or protection, so that the registered user can see the
calculation, change the inputs, etc. Anyway, the equations and
methodology are shown in the related webpage.
- Download: Click here to download
timing-e-97-vba-hqr.xls, file
with 702 KB.
or click here to download,
file with 636 KB.
- Short Description: "Timing" is a real options
spreadsheet that calculates real option value (value of the undeveloped
project), threshold value for the underlying project, probability of
option exercise, expected option exercise time, chart real option value
x value of the underlying project, and chart threshold value curve
(optimal exercise curve) until the expiration. It uses the efficient
Bjerksund & Stensland analytical approximation for American options,
Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo simulations for the probability of
exercise and expected option exercise time.
- Main related webpage: TIMING 2.0 -
American Call Program with Focus on Real Options. For the
simulation, see the page on Hybrid
Quasi-Monte Carlo.
- Software type: Shareware. By registering the software
"Timing", automatically you register and get full functional
copies of the two other versions: "Timing Version Business Model"
and "Timing Version Rigid Cash Flow Model".
- VBA code: Yes, password protected. However, the references
for equations and methodology are shown in the related webpage.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: No
limitation in terms of software functionality: all the inputs can be
freely changeable by the user. The only limitation is implicity in the
shareware concept: after using 30 days, the user must register.
Recall that registering "Timing", the user gets full
functional versions from two software variants: "Timing Version
Business Model" and "Timing Version Rigid Cash Flow Model".
- Download: Click here to download
file with 702 KB.
or click here to download,
file with 636 KB.
- Short Description: Timing Version Business Model,
is a variant from the spreadsheet "Timing" applied to oilfield
development using the so called "Business Model". In this
model, the value of one (underground) barrel of reserve v is
proportional to the oil prices P (at surface), that is, v = q*P. The
proportionality factor q is named economic quality of the reserve.
Outputs: real option value (value of the undeveloped project), threshold
value for the oil price, probability of option exercise, expected option
exercise time, chart real option value x oil prices, and chart oil price
threshold curve until the expiration.
- Main related webpage: Linear and
Nonlinear Models for the Underlying Asset V(P) and the NPV Equation.
See specifically The
Business Model.
- Software type: Shareware. By registering the software
"Timing", automatically you register and get full functional
copies of the two other versions: "Timing Version Business Model"
and "Timing Version Rigid Cash Flow Model".
- VBA code: Yes, password protected. However, the equations and
methodology are shown in the related webpages.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: The only
limitation is that some inputs are fixed in this non-registered version.
The fixed inputs are: Initial oil price; investment cost; risk-free
interest rate; and dividend yield (or convenience yield). Registered
users can change freely any input.
- Download: Click here to download
file with 703 KB.
or click here to download,
file with 637 KB.
- Short Description: Timing Version Rigid Cash Flow
Model is a variant from the spreadsheet "Timing"
applied to oilfield development using the so called "Rigid Cash
Flow Model". In this model, the value of one (underground) barrel
of reserve v is linear but not proportional to the oil prices P (at
surface) due to fixed operational costs invariant with the oil prices.
Outputs: real option value (value of the undeveloped project), threshold
value for the oil price, probability of option exercise, expected option
exercise time, chart real option value x oil prices, and chart oil price
threshold curve until the expiration.
- Main related webpage: Linear and
Nonlinear Models for the Underlying Asset V(P) and the NPV Equation.
See specifically The Rigid
Cash Flow Model
- Software type: Shareware. By registering the software
"Timing", automatically you register and get full functional
copies of the two other versions: "Timing Version Business Model"
and "Timing Version Rigid Cash Flow Model".
- VBA code: Yes, password protected. However, the equations and
methodology are shown in the related webpages.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: The only
limitation is that some inputs are fixed in this non-registered version.
The fixed inputs are: Initial oil price; investment cost; operational
cost factor, risk-free interest rate; and dividend yield (or convenience
yield). Registered users can change freely any input.
- Download: Click here to download
timing_inv_inf-hqr.xls, file with
797 KB.
or click here to download,
file with 733 KB.
- Short Description: "Timing with Dynamic Value of
Information" calculates the real options value of an
oilfield with both market and technical uncertainties. The software
permits to evaluate the attractiveness of one investment in information,
considering the cost of information, the time-to-learn,
and the revelation power (capacity to reduce the uncertainty).
It uses a rigorous framework based in conditional expectation
distribution (named revelation distribution) to model the
evolution of the technical uncertainty after the investment in
information. It is based in my paper (which a chapter from my doctoral
dissertation is based) Investment in Information in Petroleum:
Real Options and Revelation.
- Main related webpages: Timing with
Dynamic Value of Information and Technical
Uncertainty, Information Revelation, and Revelation Distribution.
- Software type: Shareware.
- VBA code: Yes, password protected. However, the equations and
methodology are shown in the related webpages.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: The
non-registered version is limited only by the type of probability
distribution for the technical parameters (only Triangular distribution)
and some few parameters are fixed: initial oil price, interest rate,
dividend yield, time to expiration, and variable parameter for the
development cost. However, the changeable input parameters permit to
reproduce all examples presented in the paper.
The registered version permits the user change any input. In
addition, the registered user has 5 different prior distributions for
the technical uncertainty to choose: Triangular, Normal, Truncated
Normal, LogNormal, and Uniform.
- Download: Click here to download
simula-hit_time.xls, file with 190
- Short Description: Excel spreadsheet simulating paths to
fixed and variable absorbing barriers, probability of hitting the
barrier, expected first hitting time for two fixed absorbing barriers,
probability of hitting, etc.
- Main related webpage: First Hitting
Time and Expected Discount Factor
- Software type: Freeware for educational purposes.
- VBA code: No.
- Limitation compared with the registered version: Not
applicable. No limitation.
simulation_reversion-model1.xls . . .
The spreadsheets without password run without problems even in French Excel, because they don't need cryptography.
For the files with password protection, the French version of Excel doesn't work due to the differences between the cryptographic systems used in USA (and other countries) and in France. This differentiation has advantages and disadvantages, but here has disadvantages. So, I recommend an English or Spanish or Portuguese or any other Excel version that adopted the US cryptography.
However, when visiting Paris in January 2002, I saved three files (with password) using a French version of Excel. These files, even with password, run in French Excel without any problem.
These three files were packed in a single compressed file (.zip) and it
is downloadable directly with the link below:
Download the file with 436 Kb containing three spreadsheets (timing_inv_inf-hqr.xls; timing-e-97-vba-hqr.xls; and hyb_qr_generator.xls) for French users.
For the other files with password, unfortunately I have only the ones with the US cryptographic system version.

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